dr in training!

By Anaspanabanana

Little steps...big change

Didn't know what to blip, then found that em had taken a pic on my phone! Had a tough day...my year 11s were revolting (in both sense of the word!) They are still not happy that they are being entered for a drama exam when they wanted to do dance!! Can understand their point of view, but this has been going on for a year and they do not have the ability to follow the dance course, which was why they were never given it as an option!! Anyway, after looking at all the possibilities my head of drama has decided she will take them on and I get 2 of her classes in exchange!! Have to admit, I'm feeling relieved, but still a bit cross that I was dumped on in the first place....if I'd only been allowed to pursue the dance with an understanding that they were never going to achieve high grades this could have been avoided!! Yoga class saved my day! Phew

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