Diary of a Homeowner

By JennyWrenny

Miles Kane vs Bored Teenager

Tonight's outing with my aunt and uncle was to see Miles Kane at the o2Academy in Newcastle. Don't get me wrong. Miles was great, brilliant even. He totally rocked it and had the crowd from the off, the whole crowd, except the sullen teenager in front of us who could not have looked more bored if he tried. Yes, he looked at us and not the stage, for the entire performance. More than a little distracting. Sometimes even I think teenagers should be barred from all public places after 7.00 and it's fair to say I'm pretty liberal in my views when it comes to teenagers. But not even the marvellous Miles could get this one to raise an eyebrow or tap a foot with interest, just uncontrolled fidgeting and yawning all the way through, no matter how hard Miles strummed his guitar and how many splits in the air he did. This kid was not impressed. His parents gave up in the end and we were left to enjoy that last few tracks without having to look past his miserable face. The ultimate winner tonight though? Definitely Mr Kane. By the end of the gig the crowd was going nuts and a great night was had by all (except by Bored Teenager).

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