Day 13 - Sober for October

and photo bombed by Charlie this time! The rules are the photo is taken at the same time, no make-up and it's the only shot. I nearly broke the rule when I got bombed by Colin, but this is all about honesty.

I drank loads of hot elderberry rob yesterday and that combined with just getting on with things worked the expected cure. Still a bit rough but I have juicing plans for this afternoon: red pepper, onion, garlic and ginger will give me the vitamin C and antiviral hit I need. And it will ensure no one else catches the lurgy: no one will venture within a mile of me!

Broad beans, peas and radish were planted yesterday and garlic will be going in after work today.

And I started knitting again last night. I've been teaching myself crochet and csn knock out granny squares & other things made in the round, but I'm still struggling to make a chain of any consistent tension. Knitiing comes a lot easier to me. I'd forgotten how absorbing and relaxing it is.

I'm almost caught up after my night off sick yesterday. Staying in bed for an extra half hour this morning browsing camping gear hasn't helped... but it is very exciting making plans again.

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