Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

Here there be monsters...

In such ways do we delve the nightmares of our childhoods, in darkness and flashing images on the edge of our vision, in rain and blackness.

The sky warned of dark things coming, a tear along the horizon filled with broiling clouds stained blood red. We watched as its dangerous beauty morphed from wondrous to wicked spite, slow and full of intention.

On the bike, with my head pulled into the shelter of the waterproof coat, rain hammered into my body. Puddles boiled with bubbles and splashes. I was actually having fun....

Autumn has arrived...and it has (for a brief time) shown its teeth....wonderful! Now for the time of stories, dimly lit corners, candles flickering, ghosts and witches, connection with ages past and our natural fears. Time for darkness to hold sway...the black and monsters from under the bed....hahaha I love it all, silly old fart!

Climbing wall and then a long day at drive home in the black again....

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