Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

In silentio ligatum

The stream of lights, from past to future, lay in the glass of windscreen and mirror. The thrum of tyres on Tarmac beating out a miserable rhythm inside my little travelling cell. Darkness holds the ground while light fights on the horizon, the daily battle that as Autumn grows in strength, light loses.

As Sol spreads her cape over the horizon, all shimmering pinks and golds, I make the choice....step off the conveyor belt for a while. The soft emerald grass, all laden with crystal dew, shows my footsteps from path to riverside.

Darkness spread their wings and as shadows crowing, fly across the silence and stillness. The Rooks waken slumbering world, flurries of unseen creatures disturb both ground and sky, then silence settles upon all. I stand....I stare.....

I close my eyes and breath deeply of tranquility and peace, holding my moment of oneness, wary of passing time, fearful of the delicate thread snapping in any movement of mine. There....for at least some time, a sense of calm, rest, my soul as still as the water......In silence bound.

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