Double Trouble

By HannahSpanner

Sleeping beauties

If only they'd sleep nicely all the time. Still having tummy issues but not as bad as it was. They came off the nutra prem on weekend as we had run out so had aptimal instead. Put them back on the nutra prem in Monday when I picked it up and we had a terrible evening/night. Including Elliot refusing to take one nutra prem bottle. So I've put them back on aptimal they still seem to be refluxy (is that a word) but no as bad and it doesn't last as long. However I've had to put them in the bouncy chairs to get them to go off to sleep but once they are asleep it's easy to move them to the carry cots. Baby clinic was no help so going to wait until paeds appointment and stick with keeping them off the nutra prem but maybe try them one if the comfort milks. Even so they are still only waking every three hours to be fed and if we are lucky we get a four hour stint! It's funny to think that they could only be a few days old going on my expected due date as opposed to being 7 weeks old on Friday!

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