A time for everything

By turnx3

A lone waterlily

Today's walk took me to the neighbouring village of Samoreau. We had driven through it a week or so back when we were exploring the neighbourhood a bit. We had never become particularly familiar with Samoreau when we were here last, so it was quite new to us. We passed a small lake very close to the Seine, which we guessed was a former gravel pit, but looked quite a nice place for a walk, so that was where I headed today. I followed the path along the lake then continued on down to the Seine and followed the path by the Seine. At one point I had the river on my right and this water lily covered water on my left, and I got quite a treat, as when I stopped to take a photo, something bright blue caught my eye on the other bank - a kingfisher. This was the first time I had seen one so I was thrilled. Of course, typically I had only taken my little camera with me rather than the Canon, which is why you get this picture of a last lone water lily rather than a kingfisher. I bet I can go back half a dozen times now with the Canon and my bigger lens and never see a kingfisher again!

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