Happy Birthday Gracie Pie - 2 Today!

We've had a wonderful day! Grace opened her cards and pressies this morning and then the family all arrived to spend the day with her (and give more cards and pressies!). We had lots of food, a family pass the parcel game, some dancing in the kitchen and plenty of good cheer. Grace had a whale of a time and was so tired tonight that she was almost asleep before I left the room!

There were several poignant moments as all of us thought of my Mam and what she was missing, but she still played a part: she'd bought the 'In the Night Garden' paper plates for us last month, and we also found a birthday card she'd bought for Grace when we were sorting out her things. It is a beautiful 'Jemima Puddleduck' card with Grace's name printed on the front. So lovely, and sums up my Mam's thoughtfulness perfectly. I feel like she's been with us all day in a way, smiling down at her Grandaughter.

I loved looking at the year ago shot, and seeing how Gracie has grown up over the past 12 months :)

(Also backblipped for yesterday)

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