wait just one more shot

By Susanbmathew

Ram Island Ledge light

My vacation ended this morning as I went to work at 5am. A long and tiring day. For a treat I went out to Portland Head Light in Cape Elizabeth. The weather was a lovely 75 degrees (23.8 Celsius I just googled that) I wanted to get a blip to show a bit of my area. When I got to the top of the hill, there was a tour bus blocking the view of the lighthouse. This is one of the first lighthouses built. Commissioned by George Washington himself. It is one of the most painted and photographed lighthouses in the states. I was really hoping to share it and a bit irritated thinking that bus is never going to move. Then something else caught my eye. To the left way out in the water is Ram Island Ledge light. It looked way spookier. I am afraid my camera is not as sharp as some at a distance but it kind of adds to the atmosphere! It was on the wrong setting. There are so many lighthouses here. We are surrounded by a very rocky coast. I am sure that I will be blipping more shots of them in the future. Hope you all are having a great day and enjoying your time taking photographs. LOL my spell check just changed that into hot dog tags. Gotta love it!

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