
By Kywebster

Concrete Jungle

So unfortunately Sydney provided its people with a rainstorm over lunch today so I was unable to go watch the Navy Tall Ships enter into Darling Harbour. So instead I decided to capture some Tall buildings instead. :-) These bad boys line the sides of George Street and make up part of Sydney's CBD. I'm sure the majority of Sydneysiders never take the time to stop and look up at the contents of their city but sometimes it pays off to stop, act like a tourist and take in the architecture around us. I found that too whilst living in Edinburgh, that to begin with I would get frustrated at the happy snapping tourists who would stop dead in the middle of the street to take a photo of something. However soon I began to realise that more often than not they were takin a photo of something I never knew existed or that I had never seen before despite me living there for nearly 6 years! Crazy! These buildings are not the nicest however I still think they're quite impressive. ( Still doesn't compare to NYC though :-) ) So I'm not quite sure how it happened but it's Friday tomorrow already! Not only that but it's a 3day weekend due to a Public holiday monday! Woop! Out...! :-)

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