Gaia's Child

By maura143

Beautiful Morning

I'm fortunate to have four Australian Tree Ferns growing under the canopy of a large Laurel Oak. Tree Ferns are not native to Florida yet will grow and indeed Thrive in the Southern parts of the state. I live in North Central Florida where temperatures sometimes dip into the low 20's or even the teens. No self-respecting Tree Fern would even consider living here.

But here they grow...protected from the scorching summer sun by their Guardian Oak and in winter by me. Each winter they are lovingly covered by FreezeCloth and Hundreds of Holiday Lights placed under their Fronds, turned on nightly to, hopefully, keep them from freezing. So far so good! Two of them are going into their 6th Winter!

The tiny lights under the FreezeCloth create an interesting light show, I'll try to get a Blip of that scene down the road.

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