
Today has been a looooong day It stated at 5:50 which was just too early for me! Daddy was home so took Charlotte downstairs for breakfast and then tried to persuade her to have a sleep before swimming. She was having none of it. Swimming.... I dread the words "can I have a quiet word?" Not entirely sure why but I do. Anyhow swimming instructor wanted a chat about how she felt Charlotte was not ready to move up into the next class. Naturally I asked why and was told there were two keys things she couldn't do. I questioned the one, knowing that Charlotte could and can do unassisted turns in the water, was told no she couldn't, I pointed out we had done them last term but was told I was wrong. I knew I was right, but what can you say. Anyhow when it came to doing them today, Charlotte was utterly amazing and did three text book turns under water. I was so proud of her and even more amused when the swim instructor admitted that I was right and she was wrong! Ha ha ha! I'm fairly sure she can also do dive sticks as I am sure we did that last term too! I think she has forgotten (possibly for financial reasons) that Charlotte did an awful lot of the seahorse three work last term due to being in a class of two with a boy on sea horse three, whereas her swimming group this term is predominantly sea horse one with two of then being sea horse two. Came home, Charlotte slept for three hours! I'd done all the school work I wanted to, unpacked he shopping and watched some telly before I woke her. We headed to M&S to return her too large snowsuit, I then had a stupid idea to go to sainsburys as I had seen a cardi I liked on their website. Got there easily enough, parked easily enough, took me twenty minutes to get out of the gap due to the local secondary school parents seeming to use sainsburys carpark as their pick up point. Home Snacky tea as she had a late lunch and had shared a M&S pretzel in the car with me when we stuck trying to escape sainsburys! Bath Bed Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

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