Black sunset

No blip yesterday - I was't in the mood after having firstly overslept by an hour because rock-for-brains here forgot to set the alarm, then at the end of the working day getting 4 days work knocked back because somebody changed something that wasn't going to chance.


This was off the back of loosing three days last week having previously done the same work but then finding out it wasn't what was wanted (all for the sake of an " 's " in the request!). Not impressed was I. Maybe third time lucky!

Got back on the blipping-horse first thing this morning getting a very monochromatic rain drops shot on the same car as tonight's image, but, with a DFO day starting to poke its head out from the morning gloom I wasn't expecting to get any colour today at all (See Tussock Tails for an explanation - this fantastic dog blipper will explain DFO in one of his journals sometime soon as well as keep you wonderfully engaged with his wit, amazing journal and brilliant images).

After getting home following the slowly breaking cloud, the sun finally broke cover shortly before dark. I escaped from cooking dinner to get this. Amazingly, no food suffered during the creation of this image!

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