sumaq llaqta

By sumaqllaqta

missing the forest for the...rain

after a beautiful couple of days in boston and cambridge, today's storm hit hard.

i came home last night (after an unsuccessful couple of hours searching for my saturday night salsa fix) wanting nothing more than a good glass of wine and a few zzz's. unfortunately, when i grabbed my keys and headed out to the liquor store, i was met with an empty spot where my car used to be. zzz's would have to suffice.

12 hours, $200, and a deluge of rain later, my emotional and psychological states resembled the photo posted above.

i am tired. i'm tired of job applications and financial mishaps. i'm tired of wanting desperately to hang on to the passion i've always had for academia while the system slowly and painfully tries to eek it out of me. i'm tired of missing those closest to me. i'm tired of the never-ending 'to-do' lists that keep me from getting started on my wish lists.

i'm tired of english and punctuality and rules that keep my soul behind plate glass. only to see a blurry vision of the future revealing itself through the raindrops...

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