
By Photogen

Edinburgh Wonder

In the capital today there was little sign of the sun; in fact the rain looked not far off with dark overhead clouds. However, the city still looked stunning, especially in Princes Street Gardens with the trees adorned with their autumn mantles. Although I had a number of shots in the bag that captured this autumnal scene in its own right, the wonder on the faces of these young women (maybe sisters!) as they left the station, I think says it all about the city's first impression on visitors, regardless of the weather. I also liked the perspective looking down to the grey buildings in Cochrane Street which echo the window shapes of the the castle buildings.
So another composite picture showing Edinburgh's iconic castle and its awestruck visitors!

Sony Cybershot
ISO 1600: 17.6: f/9: 1/00th
ISO 3200: 10.4mm: f/8: 1/320

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