
By Muse

Sounding the River

Tonight Graham, Katie and I took a magical journey of sound, light and performance down the River Rea and into Cannon Hill Park. This nocturnal exploration of nature reflected through art is the final celebration of mac Birmingham's 50th year.

We meandered along the riverbank where fire lit performers extinguished the darkness, mechanised birds flew past our ears and trees came alive with strange electronic song. As we drifted along hidden river walkways, we entered into a dreamlike place of water sounds, floating music and delicately rippling worlds.

Jony Easterby has brought together a group of internationally acclaimed artists to celebrate the hidden beauty of Birmingham’s urban river. All have a reputation for transforming the outdoors into fascinating, playful places that enthrall adults and children alike.

My blip photo certainly doesn't do this event justice; I wasn't able to capture anything of the true magnificence, the atmosphere nor the sounds. However, it does record my visit and the rest I have added to my scrapbook of memories. Magical!

This event is on until Sunday 6th October. Well worth a visit.

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