ZUIKI MATSURI - "Taro Stalk Festival"

I'm sorry for my long silence, as many of you might know my body went through a quiet rough time adapting to the severe hot weather this year in Kyoto.

I decided to continue my posts today with the same Maiko from my last post on Sunday 4 August 2013.
This was the first time she's appeared on the ZUIKI MATSURI. As some of you might remember, she become a Maiko on November 21 2012.

She's looking up to the heavy MIKOSHI that was laid down in front of her OKIYA to give a little rest to the men that carried it. (Young men in white)

ZUIKI MATSURI - "Taro Stalk Festival"

This festival is held in appreciation for the year's grain harvest. The festival began as an offering of new rice husks, vegetables and fruit to the deity. The name comes from the portable shrine, which is adorned with a taro stalk roof. For the deity celebration on the 1st is a parade of portable shrines from the main shrine to the place of travel. For the return celebration on the 4th day, the parade returns from the place of travel to the main shrine.

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