Guess Who She Is?

Is time for AKI NO ODORI, "Autumn Dance", in the hanamachi (Geisha-town).

Can you guess who is the dancer in this picture?

1- Maiko or Geiko?

2- Name of the dancer?

Thank you all for your kind and warmhearted comments. I'm glad to be back and hear form all of you again!

She's Geiko-san, FULL EAVE NANA FLOWER. She's wearing the famous mask, OKAME.


This Japanese Mask has two names, Otafuku and Okame. Otafuku literally means "Much Good Fortune", and Okame means "Tortoise", also a lucky symbol for long life. Otafuku represents a lovely, always smiling Japanese woman who brings happiness and good fortune to any man she marries. She is also known as the Goddess of Mirth.

Japanese Masks have become popularised through their use in NOH and other theatre and dance. They were originally used to cover the face of the performer and represent generalised figures such as Hero, Deity, Ghost, Mythical Animal, etcetera. The use of certain masks like Okame, Hyottoko, and Tengu also became popular in certain festivals around Japan, often adding a comic quality.

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