Equal Time

Here we are on the patron saint of animals' feast-- St. Francis. PD Budd, the all-grey fat fellow pictured, claims that Gracie T-t gets more time on blipfoto than he does. Probably correct, but GT-t rushes to get in front of the camera where ever she sees it pointing.
This is her Uncle PD sitting behind the rails that have just been painted. He 'helped' by swatting the brush and roller as it moved along. Claws slow down work!
The long underskirt is not yet painted but looks like it is, I think. The painted spindles do look as grey in this photo. But most of the time they look the colour of the house siding which is the purpose of the entire paint job-- to make them disappear.
The few spindles behind PD are not yet painted.
There is so much wood in front of the house with the addition of another small deck and long ramp that except for finding 'invisible' paint this was the choice for me... and for PD Budd, since it is close to his fur ... a favourite colour

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