aging hippy

By aginghippy

My pal Snuffles

What a day. Got lost on the way to visit
and Jane in Eaglesham.

85 year old auntie doesn't like motorways so we went via the maze of roads around East Kilbride. Would an occasional signpost be too much to ask? Apparently it would.

Auntie asking where are we and saying we'll be late. Me phoning Campbell.
" Hello Campbell. I'm lost. "
" No bother. Where are you and I'll give you directions? "
" Aye fine but no idea 'cos I'm lost."
" Oh right. Any landmarks? "
"Well there's a huge Morrisons over the road."
"Ok turn onto the main road when you leave the car park."
"Left or right?"
"Which part of the car park?"
"Where are we? We'll be late." says the other voice.

Bangs head on steering wheel several times.

so this is how the day began.....

Anyway finally get to Campbell and Jane's with auntie saying " Sorry we're late but he got lost. The motorway would have been quicker, but of course nephew knows best. "
Met Di and the little one. Wow is she growing up quickly.
Great lunch at the Eggie Inn.
Verbal abuse from Auntie and Jane the whole time. Campbell was a great support " Yer on yer own mate . "
Walked back to the house on my own to arrive at more abuse.
Di arrived with the girls who were off for a sleepover. Wee Johnny comes in from school but had left his jacket somewhere and apparently his backpack wasn't up to Mum's standards either.
Seemed perfectly ok to Campbell and me we say. Well it would to you men came the stern response.
Apparently Snuffles was doing something she shouldn't as well. Not that I would know.

Ok Snuffles where's you lead. We're off for a walk. Ahh peace, perfect peace.......

Dropped Auntie off at home and I'm in the library using the internet to get this blip posted....

Thanks Jane and Campbell great day. and wonderful seeing you again Di.


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