Weel kent
The other day, after the tenants' meeting, I was thinking about Morven and Lesley my AC linked ex-colleagues because John, of Ledingham Chalmers, is up the stairs from us and then tonight I found that Aberdein Considine have also set up in Edinburgh. Weel kent names. I wonder if Louise and Kellas will ever make it this far south?
A day spent trying to get work cleared up before I finish. I failed but on the way I had my B12 top up, a remedial massage, a video conference, processed some HR stuff and failed to finish the lottery targets. They will have to be done tomorrow.
Then, at 6, to the Filmhouse to see 'Sunshine on Leith'. Edinburgh looks stunning, more than stunning, the last scene is fantastic, bits of it were too close to my emotional past to be comfortable, I don't think the Jocks would have come back in green and I remain unconverted to the Proclaimers. In this genre give me 'Mama Mia' any day. The bar was too busy when I came out to hang around for food so it was pizza from the new Tesco at the West End. The roadworks are nearly finished. The bus gate to Queensferry Road opens on Sunday. The end is nigh!
Edit: I see two of their Ladyships were at the Filmhouse in the afternoon (the joys of the non employed). In case of doubt, the film is only worth going to see if you a) like helicopter shots of Edinburgh (fantastic), b) bouncing up and down to 500 miles (quite uplifting) and c) you're a fan of the Bros Reid. For those of us who live here, or are from the city, there is the resident's interest of trying to recognise the backgrounds and locations before they go into soft focus but for my paltry £4.50 this is not a great film, or a great story. I won't be watching it over and over at full volume and singing along a la MM. But that's my taste and it does do a very good job for VisitScotland.
If you want to see an excellent film, don't miss 'Blue Jasmine'.
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