horns of wilmington's cow

By anth

Monkey Business

Yep, it's a departure from the definitions game. Partly because I just haven't got the right image for that (save one that might offend some friends... ;) ) but mainly just because I liked this shot, just after visiting some new cycling, erm, facilities.

There's also the bike just on its own.

Been really busy of late, meeting up with friends I haven't seen in ages, getting to a few Fringe shows, and eating and drinking loads. So it's not as if I haven't been enjoying myself.

And the boss is off again this week; a cycling magazine accepted a pitch for an article this morning; a tv presenter/comedian/journalist said yes to an interview over lunch later this week; and I found a new job to apply for that would have an extra day off a week but pay the same money...

Life could be worse.

I might get myself worked up enough tomorrow though to write a letter to each and every MSP about the Megrahi fallout that I've promised to do.

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