horns of wilmington's cow

By anth

A Step Back (or Moonshine)

One of, it seems, a number of moon shots tonight - it's obviously inspiring this evening. Normally I'd zoom in for the detail. Tonight though a step back, longer shutter, and picking out the nice colours being thrown by the only just set sun and the fully risen full moon.

Read a couple of articles in the Daily Wail today. I know. I shouldn't. But in one the 'journalist' was bemoaning organic food as a fad that makes people smug and superior; then in the next paragraph complaining that it was so expensive it meant those who are less well off can't afford to buy it. Now apart form the fact that social commentary supporting the lower spectrums is not something you'd expect to see in the Wail, can you just make up your mind?

Do you think it's an unworthy fad that people should stop indulging in? Or something that the poverty stricken should be able to join in with? Pick one line of attack and stick with it. If in doubt contact your editor and get something in there about Poles or Lady Di, that'll always do the trick.

In the other article the inimitable harpy Jan Moir (her of Stephen Gatelygate) waxed lyrical... well, not lyrical, this is Jan Moir... She waxed... Urgh, that's a horrible image in my head now. Jan Moir spouted off about an important issue sweeping the world of politics not just in this country, but around the globe. You can forget wars; poverty; the economic crisis; terrorism. Nope, politicians have been wearing jeans. And Jan 'aint happy about it. Ah, I wish I could be as damned perfect as Jan.

Actually, ancillary point. Stephen Gately'gate'... I'm going to pull myself up on that. Watergate, which started this 'gate' nonsense, was a scandal named after the office block complex at the centre of the affair. The word 'gate' does not, please note, does not mean 'scandal'. It is not an ancient Latin derivation for shock and horror (I gate, we gate, they gate, gateamus, gateur); nor Greek; Persian; Incan; Aztecian Aztecese Aztecunian from the Aztecs. So please, news people, article writers, anchormen, pretty much everyone, stop putting 'gate' onto the ends of words to indicate something is amiss. That is all.

p.s. I'm going to get round to commenting on photos again, especially those who have been commenting on mine the last few days (you seemed to like the cat yesterday, but I'd still urge you to see the photo, and linked shots from Saturday, I'm pushy like that). I've just been somewhat massively pre-occupied at both work and home of late. Generally in good ways, which is... good.

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