Ninety years young

Today was a precious family day, my Grandma's 90th birthday celebration. And the whole family turned out for a lunch at an Italian in Rochdale We were almost late as Angus slept through his alarm after a late finish at work last night, but we arrived just in time to surprise her as she walked through the door.

She's an incredible lady. Sharp as a tack, fit as a fiddle....I could go on. Surrounded by all those she loves, she was positively glowing today.

If am half as happy or content at her age, I'll be thrilled.

Audrey was tired but did amazingly well considering all the people/attention, even sitting through speeches at one stage. She was broken tonight though and spent the last hour howling the house down as she was that tired.

One day we'll show her the pictures and she'll realise why we put her through it....

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