Operation Flop

Squidge* thinking, "Can I climb that?"
We spent a lovely hour in the park this morning while Angus slept off his shift.

We continued with Operation Flop today. No tearing around. Just kicking back at home.

After naps and X Factor catch up (love Judges Houses!) I disappeared upstairs and Angus spent some time with Squidge while I did some eBay admin and work on my laptop.

She's still struggling to spend time with her Dad (since his mammoth work hours of late) and it takes him about half an hour to bring her round each time. She screams for me and shouts "No Daddy" which is really hard. Hard on me as I can't have a break and hard on Angus as it breaks his heart. Just hope his work settles down soon.

*Read an alarming article about naming your child online.

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