
By SueT123

Biarritz -Back blip

This was the day after we had been to Biarritz for an evening meal where we had an electrical storm while we were having drinks on the terrace of a restaurant. The whole sky lit up like a light show and it lasted for about an hour! I took some videos but couldn't get any of the fork lightening in a single shot so I couldn't blip that ! Later it rained so hard that people in the street were drenched in a second!
Anyway, today I decided to blip Biarritz in the sunshine instead!

The reddish building near the left of the photo is the Hotel du Palais where a room costs over 1,000 Euros a night and a suite is 4,500 Euoros a night. The food costs a fortune and a glass of champagne is 60 Euros, we didn't go there...!!

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