
By SueT123

Sunset over the sea at Biarritz

We went out tonight with friends for our last meal in Biarritz before we go home and were lucky enough to catch the sunset on the way! I like the reflection of the setting sun on the water.
There were still bathers and surfers even though it was getting dark.
Earlier we went up La Rhune mountain (which is 905 meters) by train. I had hoped to do a blip from the top but it was covered in cloud and when we reached the top we could see NOTHING, it was like a 'pea souper' (in case anyone is old enough to know what I mean)!! I didn't think a block of white would be very interesting!
I have posted 2 back blips in case anyone has time for a quick look!
I will be looking at all your blips soon, have a good weekend! :-))

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