Golden landscape

Today was the last day of the Southern regional photograpic convention. We had wonderful speakers over the weekend specialising in their chosen fields, one that really wowed me was Antonia Steeg who left me with lasting High Country images from Musterers and their horses the animals being mustered and stunning New Zealand High country landscapes that would take your breath away. I was left filled with new enthusiasm from every single guest speaker. We also had the chance for a fantastic oportunity for a Blipmeet when we were this morning honoured by the presence of KiwiLizzie and another special memory Names: Back row. KiwiLizzie,MrsPuff,Gref,ChrissyBell,AmblingCamera,Rainie,GingerNan,Timguru.
Front Row. Me(Sieze the day),Katey,PCC,Jamazen,Daring2go,CyclingGranny.
At the convention but absent from the photo:Travelingkiwi and Dups

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