Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

On broken wings...

Oh dear.....woke up without a hang over.....this can be down to several things, a good nights sleep ( which makes me think I should get tipsy on cocktails more often), being able to hold 8 strong cocktails and not fall over blind drunk (which is a little worrying) or......that I just needed a night out!

We met a nice couple whom seem to live at the bar, not really but you know what I mean, and just chatted the night away. We laughed and talked through many a subject, it was so nice to meet people who are open and enjoy life. To my surprise they picked up the tab.....felt bad about that as I had been nocking them back....I tried to insist that they shouldn't but they were more than happy...nice!

So this morning I hit the road on the mountain bike, work off some of that excess, over took a bunch of roady brethren (which made some of them mumble and curse!) and flew of to some of my fave hiding spots.....blew out all that fuzzy head feeling to boot!

The sun is out and it feels more like Spring than Autumn....lovely!

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