
By CharlotteJ

Evening October Sun

How spoilt are we being with this fantastic weather? About time! What a fab 2013 summer we have / are having!! I've been naughty! I was meant to be studying but decided my utility room was more important!! It's looking a lot better, new painted ceiling, new colour walls. Chris agreed to take out the old previous owners wall cupboards but we had to leave the sink and unit in situ - there is nothing wrong with the sink or the unit but they will get a new vinyl inlay and I'm on the hunt for some pretty country cottage / shabby chic / heart print fabric as I'm going to take the unit door off (the other door we never had!) the oil boiler has to's ugly but at £7k plus it can remain ugly!! Blip taken whilst having a well deserved cuppa in the garden Happy Sunday evening all :) Xx

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