An unexpected encounter

Not the greatest shot but I've only taken 3 photos the entire day and one of them was rubbish so I only had 2 from which to choose my blip and this one was the best of them.

It looks like the big change that I mentioned some time ago is going to take place sooner than expected. To make a long story short, my mother and I registered with the social housing services some time ago and last week we were notified that a flat had become available for us. Since we've received the notification, I've been busy researching whether important things like Rosie's vet, the place where I have to attend a meeting each Monday and the work place where the temporary employment agency has been sending me recently among other things can be reached from that location and fortunately that is the case. Today I've also ridden my bicycle there to have a look at the outside of the building and at the neighbourhood in which it is located and so far everything is looking positive. The next move is to contact the caretaker to have a look inside the flat at some point and if that looks good as well, we could be moving sooner than we'd thought.

Even before that happens, my comments will probably become even scarcer than they already are, for which I apologise in advance, and at some point I shall more than likely have to backblip whatever I can find as an entry.

Thank you so much for the kind comments and stars on yesterday's roses blip.

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