
By Fido

Guest blipper

The middle son and I took the littlest out for a walk this afternoon, up along the estate tracks in a search for conkers.

At first we had no luck finding any shiny chestnuts, despite a search through the undergrowth around the two huge horse-chestnut trees. We did find all manner of interesting things though which are even more exciting when seen through the eyes of a five year old. He stopped to wonder about so many bugs, beasties, leaves, nuts and fruits and set about taking many photos. We chatted to the sheep, ate a pile of brambles and raced a lady on her bike and just when we thought we were going to go home empty handed we spotted another gloriously yellow/orange horse-chestnut tree so climbed over the fence, ran up the field edge and filled our pockets with beautiful shiny conkers.

Ah, autumn. I love you.

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