An ordinary life....

By Damnonii


Woke at 6.30am and for a second or two couldn't work out where I was. :-))
Once I figured it out I realised that taking 2 paracetamol might be a good idea. Fell back into a sound sleep till my phone alarm went off at 9.30. There were some sounds of life from the household so got up and organised.

We all looked remarkably fresh considering our late night. Alice did us proud by cooking up a full Scottish breakfast. That went down an absolute treat. After more chatting around the table, it was time for us all to hug and head back to our various parts of Scotland, refreshed and rejuvenated as we always are after spending time together. I just wish we could all meet up more often but life and the geographical logistics make it virtually impossible. I think we are going to try and up it to a bi-annual event though.

Drove home listening to Elaine Paige on Radio 2. God there are some absolute shite songs from musicals. I literally was laughing out loud at some of them!

Home to a warm welcome from hubby and son. Apparently I look "tired" :)) Yes indeed. Won't be long till I'm snuggled in my bed.

And that’s the weekend over again. Would whoever is speeding up time to warp speed, please stop!

Yesterday's backblip

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