
By fennerpearson

BT, @eph_bee and Hazel-rah

Today, I returned to work, doing 'the bounce' - Lancaster-Euston-Paddington-Heathrow and back - for a forty-five minute meeting.

During the course of the day, there was one bad thing and three good.

The first good thing was arriving in the nick of time at Lancaster station, only to find my train was running four minutes late, facilitating an Americano and blueberry muffin.

The bad thing was that I'd forgotten my headphones :-(

The next good thing was that the meeting went well, which was gratifying given the travelling involved.

But the last good thing was the best thing and that was meeting up with @eph_bee to chat about all sorts of stuff including writing and Watership Down. The latter is one of my favourite books and discussing with such a smart, funny and eloquent companion made me want to go and read it all over again. Except with liner notes from him.

And while I was making my way to the bar to meet up, I stopped and took this photo. By coincidence, @not_twothree sent me this tweet the following day.

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