Indian summer

I'm enjoying this late spell of good weather. I've even had the windows open a few times, recently.

The weather forecast says it's coming to an end, though, so I'm making the most of it while I can and, since I didn't actually do much or go anywhere, today, I thought I'd grab this photo of the garden, still thriving.

I do miss my early morning coffee on the doorstep at the old cottage but there's not an equivalent spot in this garden; it doesn't have the views over the valley for a start. Or, in fact, a doorstep. But we have had some nice barbecues and the kids have enjoyed the den that the Minx fashioned.

And if I sound a bit like I'm saying goodbye, well maybe I am. I'm cautiously optimistic that I might be out of here in three or four months, so I'm enjoying the end of my time here, too.

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