It's A Minute To Midnight

By Draco

Diesels Girls!!!

This was taken as Diesel was just out of his Kennel Cough vaccination from the year and seeing as we have unexpectedly had to put him in kennels on Friday he needs it!
As luck would have it his favourite Vet Nurses were on duty! When he snapped his cruciate ligament a couple of years ago they seem to have tamed the beast. At that time he didn't like people or other dogs...They got him out of the first! He likes people now just not other dogs.
They always make such a fuss of him when he's there.
I asked their permission to put this on blip.
I took it in a rush with the D5200 so quality is not great and his eyes came out green so I had to fiddle in CS to try and sort that.
Still blip is all about your life so today this is what we were doing.

Yesterdays "Tree Of Life " made it to the spotlight briefly so many thanks for that.

In other news....I've been loaned a Nikon D2X from a neighbour!

So tomorrows shot will be from that and probably until I have to give it back on Wed night.
You can imagine my dismay when he brought it round in a carrier bag!!!!SHOCK HORROR.
Its got stickers on it saying property of The Army School Of Ammunitions
so it has a hard life and my neighbour says he hasn't a clue about cameras but sticks it on auto everything. When I told him yesterday it sounds like one Id like he then said he would bring it home for me to "Play" with until Weds.

So tomorrow my packing may be postponed until I've had a wee play around with this heavy beast!

My sore throat is still raging and my voice keeps going and I feel like crud...but hey ho cant have it all can I .

Thank you for all you well wishes though. It all helps :-)

The Temporary D2X Dragon x

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