It's A Minute To Midnight

By Draco

Sumptuous Sunset...

Well my first evening with the D2X on loan from my neighbour. Boy its a big beast. Battery pack on it makes it very heavy....having said that I have the D800 which weighs like a brick anyway. Nowt wrong with havin a bit of weight lifting and photography is there?? My two favourite things :-)
There are a few things different about the settings obviously but because its a Nikon most things are logically placed. The LCD screen is minute compared to the 800 and 5200 but it makes you use the histogram much more (John will be pleased)
The main thing I noticed was a HUGE amount of noise! However being an old camera now all that must have changed for the D4. The FPS are not as fast as I hoped. So no good comparing it to the D4 as that has more than double FPS.
Plus its only 12mp and I'm used to 24 on the D5200 to 37 on the 800.
Still its really nice to play around and see the results.

I was given a spectacular display of Cloud Porn tonight :-)
I have uploaded the rest of the shots on Flickr as it was very hard to find just one for blip.

Diesels Girls made a brief visit to the spotlight again so many thanks for that.
Ill have to catch up with your journals when I get home tonight. I'm really falling behind at the mo as with holiday prep and this vile germ status I have right now and work its getting a huge struggle but please bear with me...Ill get there.

The D2X Dragon xx

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