A Merrick Monday

It was going to be another Statue Monday, but I went over and watched Merrick for a couple of hours. His momma (my daughter) had a doctors appointment.

I like all the stages of babyhood, but I miss the times when he would sit in my lap...and just be. Just be a baby.

HA! Not anymore. He rarely sits still. He lays across the back of the couch. He jumps into the mountain of pillows. He "hides" where he shouldn't be hiding. He stands, and balances on his push toys. He makes stair steps out of the kitchen drawers.

As much as he climbs...maybe I should teach him how to yodel. Slap some lederhosen on him...outfit him with one of those cute hats...get him an indoor goat...and let him wail away.

The only way I get him on my lap now...is in the middle of a wrassling hold. OR...when he lands there after a flying leap off the couch. Ouch! Or should I say (in a high pitched squeal)...o-o-o-o-u-u-u-c-c-c-h-h-!!!!

He's a bruiser.

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