How 'bout dem Tigers?

I took another trip to the Toledo Zoo today...this time with my dad. 90 minutes there...90 minutes home.

Why would I go...after going twice in 2 weeks? It was Senior Tuesday...that's why.

You can' just can't...beat free.

Dad and I spent 4 hours walking around the zoo. Our favorites were the polar bears...the bird building, and the tigers. But...I had to go with the tiger...because we just watched our Detroit Tigers (baseball) battle back in a win or go home game. Yah-hoo!

I had a slew of other pictures to put on Flickr...but...Flickr is down, so I'll have to put them on tomorrow. It was REALLY hard to settle on this one picture.

The best part of the day? When I requested the Senior special from the little ticket girl...I was carded. (She wanted to see proof of my age.) HA! I KNEW I DIDN'T LOOK 60 YEARS OLD!! I KNEW IT!!

That last part I made up. Hey...a man can dream, can't he? The little girl didn't bat an eye...handing me my Senior tickets.

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