
Today was the wedding and a more glorious beautiful day couldn't be imagined. It was incredible, moving and I am overwhelmed. I watched my son stand waiting for his bride with tears of joy streaming down his face. I watched his incredibly beautiful bride come down the aisle and was stunned by her beauty and grace. I watched them delight in each other. It was a mother's dream.

The cups and all the pottery went, and I will have to make more. Yay! I get to play again. People's reactions seemed positive. I can't imagine that everything went. The last load was out of the kiln about 11 am and the wedding was at 2.

The only low point was that two of my very good friends were unable to be there with us, one due to medical and car issues and the other due to a lost invitation.

My brother and sister in law were charming. My granddaughter was a wonderful flower girl.

Today, I am grateful for the day I was given, love and joy and seeing them in my son and his bride, and sharing the day with my brother and friends.

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