
By tadpoleview

Not my face please!

As well as looking after the grandchildren, we have had the guinea pigs to take care of. They usually play hard to catch when being moved from their overnight hutch to the run on the back lawn, which comes complete with its own shelter for rain etc., and in this case as a hide where they hope can't get snapped!

The darker one who didn't want her photo taken is called Pumpkin. Not sure if she realises I took a photo of the other end!

Its been a great few days with the grandchildren, (and the guinea pigs!) but now its back home for a few days, or even weeks. Back to the usual activities and familiar jobs and surroundings. We will miss them all, but after a number of trips here, there and not quite everywhere over the last few weeks it will be good to be home and catch up with friends we have seen less of than normal.

We are blessed with good friends as well as having a lovely family. I wonder what the next few weeks in God's calendar for our lives holds. Only he knows, and its good to be able to trust him for them.

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