"Little Notes" ...
...Yes, Little Notes left for Nanna and Papa on our brand new refrigerator - during the time our lovely Grand daughters were staying with us, and as well, some beautiful notes written just on the morning of their departure back home to Mum and Dad, on Saturday last...
...There was much secrecy surrounding the beautiful letter written by Amber (15) on the right side, and as well Teigan (almost 8) on that morning and we weren't allowed to see what they'd written until we arrived back home from taking them to the airport that morning...The plane was late, and we were thankful we could all spend just a little longer together..
...And if you can read this on LARGE - you will understand how humble, proud and so thankful we are to have such loving Grand daughters and yes, there were tears in our eyes, at their departure -and upon reading these lovely Little Notes when we arrived home - but we know we shall see them again, and hopefully, very soon..
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