Architectural Convergence
Tiny Tussock Reporting
A day in Toronto and The Bossess was determined to hit the shops running so we did and quickly discovered the "Times Square" of Canada and enough "Second Cup"
coffee joints to keep her safely caffeinated. It is amazing as The Boss actually complained about the quality of his Hot Chocolate at a new contender so it was removed from preferred supplier status leaving the field clear to Mr G (google) to establish the coordinates required which he did in nothing flat. The Boss remembers overseas travel pre Mr G and there are still a large number of bakeries and other delicious places to check out so dissuaded The Bossess from downloading the App. App use is a big deal in Toronto and nearly every place you go into is encouraging you to do so. One eatery today promised wonderful Wireless as long as you popped into their Facebook page and liked them first.
The Boss wondered how long it would be before elections were conducted on twitter and there is no doubt that to many this stuff really matters.
"NO NO NO don't go in there, the place across the road has a bigger following on FB!"
We had an amazing conversation with a Hotel executive last week where he accused the opposition of using computer generated "trip advisor" "likes" to gain advantage.
What interesting times we live in.
Anyway we had a lovely lunch because a nice bloke smiled and invited us in to an eatery which features several different outfits to chose food from and took the time to explain how things worked. We liked the look of it so in we went. Old fashioned I kno but delicious and cheap too by NZ standards. Canadians really know how to make amazing toasted sandwiches called Panini's but toasted sandwiches non the less, so to mini bark.
There are some wonderful original buildings preserved here and this image features the original Town Hall against a modern background.
P.S There was this big notice outside the Apple Store that said some new items were in short supply due to demand and could be ordered online instead.
Iphone 5S was about half the projected NZ price…Please refer however, to the above notice.
The Credit card lived to serve another day.
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