Annie's In Oregon

By anniescottage

Both Sides Now

Each day we progress through this life adds another layer to the topics we can see both sides of. We've visited both sides of many fences. We've been the receiver and the giver of kindness, hope, even wounds and disappointments.

Today, I shared an hour or so with an elderly couple who had been married almost 65 years. They were calm and serene and they refused to embrace anxiety. They encouraged me far more than I could encourage them. They told me that, with each new day, they read the scripture.

Today's verse that they wanted to pass along to me, was Matthew 6:33 ~ "But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you." They encouraged me to worry about nothing, because it did no good.

If I could grow old with even the smallest measure of peace that these two people had, I would be able to say, one more time, I've been on both sides of that fence. As it is today, I still slip too easily into worry and fret. For shorter durations, yes, but still, none-the-less, still go there. Truthfully, upon reflection, I believe that it could be characterized more as self pity. I indulge in a certain amount of fear that I will have to endure too many things I don't want to endure, and it steals my joy for living this day.

So, I commit again, yet another time, to step over to the other side of the fence....and not just sit upon it, any longer.

The plant is chicory. I'm very fond of seeing it grow along side the road.

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