
By cracker

Water Play!

Today I looked after Leo while Fleur went to work. Joti and Leo played pretty well, they jumped on the trampoline, we went to the park, they did puzzles, read books and played in the water table which they love!! I got the camera out and took some photos of the kids while they were playing. Leo is so photogenic and cute!

Fleur came to pick him up after lunch but he was still asleep so we chatted then by the time Leo woke up, it was 2.15 and nearly time to go and get the other kids from school!

After school Spence, Joti and I went over to Fleur's and had a swim with them in the pool which was just lovely! Joti has no fear and loves the water which can be quite dangerous! I think it's better than her being afraid of water though!

I have back blipped the last couple of days!

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