A New Day

By ANewDay

A Huddle of Herons?

What's the collective name for a group of herons? In this case, it must be a huddle, as they were all close together and with another 4 or 5 nearby. It's the most we've ever seen together and we thought we'd seen loads while we were on holiday in Mull, but they were all solitary birds.

The "surprise" day out to make use of the new binoculars for my husband's birthday was to the Montrose Basin Wildlife Reserve and they certainly came in very useful to get close-up views of the birds and animals there (much closer views than my camera!!)

As well as the herons, there were over 40,000 pink-footed geese (more of which are arriving daily), sightings of seals basking on the sandbanks, goosanders, curlews, oyster catchers, swans and more ducks than we could name! A real treat for my husband (and I enjoyed it too!) and the binocular were a huge success.

We had planned to walk around the Basin to another hide, but the weather changed for the worse with strong winds and driving rain, so that has been postponed to another day. We can't believe we haven't visited before, especially as we are members of the Scottish Wildlife Trust! A great day out:-)

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