
By scribbler

Double Kookaburra

Journal painting "Jewel in the Lotus" a.k.a. "Moses in the Bulrushes" 10.10.1995.

DINNER is the [REJECTED] challenge topic. Kookaburra!

I promised Mollymay that I would blip one of my bird paintings for her, so this is a double kookaburra blip: first, because it's not on the challenge topic; and second, because it's a bird (though not exactly a kookaburra bird).

This painting was made exactly eighteen years ago today! The dark blue at the bottom is my attempt to use the Retouch tool in iPhoto to obscure a handwritten journal entry that I chose not to share. That's as close to Photoshopping as I'm willing to go.

(Straightened, cropped & retouched, with various iPhoto adjustments including black level, saturation, and tint.)

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