Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Scratching the surface

Tom, Leah, Dan, Ken, Helen, Tony ... and other less decipherable graffiti. Who is VA? Victoria and Albert? When were these etched into the old red brick? Ken is not a modern name. Maybe they were pensioners; wrong to assume this is the work of juveniles. "Come on" said Ken, aged 81 to Helen aged 79 "lets put our names on the wall so that we can come and look at them when we're old".

I went out for a walk at lunchtime. A thing I try and do every day at the moment but a rather frustrating morning meant I really needed the fresh air.

One of those working days when you keep saying "take a deep breath, take a deep breath ..."

Excellent meeting with the Director of the local dance organisation I chair this evening. Restored my balance somewhat. TSM's most excellent creamy mashed potato helped as well.

Colder innit?

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