Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Basket case

One of those interminably long days in the office starting at 7am and finishing at 6pm, when the lunchtime walk was taken in the rain and the journey both ways was in the dark and you suddenly realised that winter had arrived. So just as well I gave another training session today on NHS winter planning. Mind you the gravity of the situation was undermined somewhat when I made a pocket call to The Girl Racer on loudspeaker and my oratory was interrupted by her going "Hello? Hello? Who's there" to the whole room, which caused a laugh.

TSM cooked a lovely supper then it got all anxious when she said "blip now before we settle down with a film". Blip anxiety can get quite tense in our house.

So I blipped the basket I bought when out with Aged P recently, which is really nice. For no reason at all, it has no connection with my day.

Here endeth a rainy day blip.

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