
By Herbster

Sleep time.

Well after an unsettled night (first time in 5 nights), Herbie woke with a wheezy chest, so Auntie J , being a nurse thought it best we pop to A & E to get it checked out. 2hours in A&E, it was diagnosed that he has bronchiolitis! After two nebulisers we were sent home. Got home and Herbie exhausted fell asleep on me, so I got in a little snooze too. During this trip I have been wearing my silver nugget necklace which is pretty robust to Herbie's grip. But it has become a bit of a comforter for him. He snuggles in and holds onto the nugget. Later Herbie developed a high temperature, gave him ibrobupofen which brought it down a little. Auntie J wanted to head down to A & E again bit I decided I just wanted to settle him to bed.

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